Kathmandu Sightseeing Tour with Local Guide Company

Kathmandu Valley world heritage Sightseeing Tour with Loacl Guide info Team ,mainly proposed to explore the Kathmandu valley that combines natural heritages as well as cultural experiences which is offer outstanding view of mountains, and panorama from all part of Kathmamndu . Kathmandu valley is situated on 1400 meters form the sea level and valley is covered by hills and mountains and one of the highest point is Jamacho,fulchoki,Nagarkot and Dhulikhel. The Kathmandu is also known as Kantipur city of temple, monastery and sutpas . In Kathmandu, you will visit the temple of the Living Goddess who acknowledges the greetings of the devotees from the balcony of her temple residence. Kashtamandap - the source of the name Kathmandu and supposed to be made from the timber of a single tree and the Durbar Square are with its array of temples overlooked by the Hanuman Dhoka Palace, the ancient place of the Nepalese Royalty. Bellow are the details of all temple,monastery, and durbar square .

Pasupatinath situated 5 km. east of main Cit of Kathmandu, Pashupatinath temple tour with a is one of the holiest and biggest temples dedicated to Lord Shiva in Nepal. This Temple was erected anew in the 17th century by King Bhupatindra Malla after the previous building had been consumed by termites.Situated amidst a lush green natural setting on the bank of the sacred Bagmati river, the temple built in pagoda style has glinted roof and richly carved silver doors. Visitors are permitted to view the temple from the east bank of Bagmati River, entrance in the temple being strictly forbidden to all non-Hindus. Pashupatinath is the centre of annual pilgrimage on the day of shivaratri, which falls in the month of February/March. Behind the temple are the cremation grounds.

Boudhanath Stupa in Kathmandu Nepal
This Bauddha stupa was built just after the demise of Lord Buddha and is largest single Chhyorten in the world. Many Kilograms of gold were used in the decoration of the holy building. The legend of its building begins with one perso and it is 8 Km. east of Kathmandu City. It stands with four pairs of eyes in the four cardinal direction keeping watch for righteous behavior and human prosperity. King Man Deva built this Buddhis Stupa at the advice of the Goddess Mani Jogini. It has built on an octagonal base inset with prayer wheels, the shrine ringed by houses of Lamas or Buddhist priest.

Swaymbhunath Temple in Kathmandu
The Swaybhunath situated approximately 4 kms. This Buddhist Stupa said to be 2000 years old forms the main structure, which is composed of a solid hemisphere of brick and earth supporting a lofty conical spire capped by a pinnacle of copper gilt. Painted on the four-sided base of the spire are the all seeing eyes of Lord Buddha. According to Swayambhu Purana, the entire valley was once filled with an enormous lake, out of which grew a lotus. The valley came to be known as Swayambhu, meaning Self-Created. The name comes from an eternal self-existent flame (svya?bhu). It also stands with four pairs of eyes in the four cardinal direction keeping watch for righteous behavior and human prosperity.

Patan Durbar Squire
The Patan city is 5 Km away from Kathmandu which is different district in valley . The history of the Durbar Square is not clear. Although the Malla Kings of Lalitpur are given credit for establishing the royal square, it is known that the site is an ancient crossroad. Some chronicles hint that the history of patan Thakuri Dynasty built a palace and made reforms to the locality but the evidence is minute.
The Malla Kings did make important changes to the square. Most of the current architecture is from the 1600s, constructed during the reign of King Siddhinarasimha Malla and his son Srinivasa sukriti.
Patan known as Lalitpur is the city of fine arts, enclosed within four Stupas builds in 3rd century AD, by Emperor Ashoka. You will see the Durbar square.Tthe Krishna Temple built by King Siddhi Narsingh Malla, Hiranya Varna Mabavihar and MahadouddhaTemple. A trip to The Tibetan Refugee Camp and the Handicraft Center will also be done while visiting Patan, where you will witness the hand weaving of Tibetan carpets and mounding of metal statues.

Bhaktpur Durbar Squire
The Bhaktapur Durbar Square is located in the current town of Bhaktapur,also known as Bhadgoan, which lies 13 km east of Kathmandu. While the complex consists of at least four distinct squares (Durbar Square, Taumadhi Square, Dattatreya http://www.nepalguideinfo.com/kathmandu-valley-tour/ Square and Pottery Square), the whole area is informally known as the Bhakapur Durbar Square and is a highly visited site in the Kathmandu Valley.

Bhadgaon known as Bhaktpur meaning the city of devotees, this place is the home of medieval art and architecture. This place founded in the 9th century and is shaped like a conch shell. The city is at the height of 4,600 ft. above sea level. In Bhadgaon you will visit the Durbar Square with its array of temples overlooked by the Palace of 55 Windows built by King Bhupatindra Malla. Here you will also visit the Taleju Temple, which is the best example of Pagoda style structure in Nepal and stands on five terraces on each of which stands a pair of figures, two strong men, two elephants, two lions two griffins and two goddesses
Kathmandu Darbar Square


Nepal Mounatin Guide TeamS (Nepal Planet Treks and Expedition Pvt. Ltd.)
GPO: 4453 Paknajol ,Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal
Phone: +977-1-4252196 
Mobile: +977-9841613822 (Sanjib) 
Fax: +977-1-4252196 
Email: sanjibtrekguide@gmail.com 
